
With Desiree Förster (DE/US), produced by Marold Langer-Philippsen (DE)

Desiree Förster (DE/US) talks in this Werkleitz Festival 2021 Podcast about the necessity of recognizing the processual in us and our environment, so that we can find ways to live on this planet in the future. Art could help us to do this.

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Marold Langer-Philippsen

Marold Langer-Philippsen, born in Munich, lives in Europe, works as radio/media artist, director, performer, stage/exhibition designer and musician in the fields of time-based arts with particular attention to public space, theatre and live broadcast since 1984.

His radio works were created for community radios in Europe, Public Broadcast Stations in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia, Ars Electronica Linz and São Paulo Art Biennial. His performance works were presented throughout Europe, in the Middle East, South America and Australia.
