Becoming human>animal>plant>rocks/air: Modes of perceiving nature

#Visions of Nature
Becoming human>animal>plant>rocks/air: Modes of perceiving nature
Sat. 19. 6. 16:0017:30

Performance by Birgit Schneider (DE) and Kate Donovan (UK)

Like nature itself, our conception of nature is heavily influenced by humans and by the technologies they’ve invented. Like no other species, Homo sapiens have reshaped, constructed and exploited their habitat. In light of the present ecological crisis, a radical decentralisation of humans and their instrumental reasoning is required to rise above the notion dominant in most industrialised societies that nature and culture are two distinct entities. What does it mean to be a human being when human beings are no longer the measure of all things? What role do new technologies play?

In their German-English lecture performance, the radio artist Kate Donovan and the cultural and media studies researcher Birgit Schneider explore what might happen if we were able to leave behind our anthropocentric viewpoint and see things from the perspective of other life forms. What reactions would such a shift elicit? The lecture-performance invites the audience to experience the world, the wind, plants and animals and their stories, the sound of static and electrical fields with different forms of perception – both with the help of media and directly. Might we feel more closely bound if we were able to recalibrate our sensory perceptions? How can we perceive things differently? The presentation will include a series of short perception exercises from the discipline of expanded listening and seeing.

© Victoria Tomaschko
Kate Donovan

Kate Donovan is a radio artist and researcher. Her work deals with radio in an elemental sense, in terms of frequency, transmission and interconnectedness (but also disruption and interference). She is actively involved in Archipel Stations Community Radio, CoLaboRadio/Free Radios Berlin Brandenburg, and Datscha Radio Berlin. She is part of the research group ‘SENSING. The Knowledge of Sensitive Media’, at ZeM/Potsdam University, working on a PhD project titled ‘More-than-human Radio Ecologies’.

© Iris Janke
Birgit Schneider

Birgit Schneider lehrt als Professorin für Wissenskulturen und mediale Umgebungen an der Universität Potsdam. Die aktuellen Veröffentlichungen der Bild- und Medienwissenschaftlerin befassen sich mit Bildern und Wahrnehmungsweisen des Klimawandels, Informationsvisualisierungen und Karten sowie mit Bildern der Ökologie. Ihre Monografie Klimabilder. Eine Genealogie globaler Bildpolitiken von Klima und Klimawandel erschien 2018 bei Matthes & Seitz.
