Broadcast: EMAP Garden sociosphere

Broadcast: EMAP Garden sociosphere
Thu. 9. 9. 20:0021:00

The works of the sociosphere contextualise our digital society from different perspectives. The film kiosk Artificial Intelligence by Doug Fishbone contains a selection of humorous short-film essays that are based on internet photo searches. Online Culture Wars by DISNOVATION.ORG and #MemeManifesto by Clusterduck Collective offer overviews of digital-political movements and memes. Mosaic Virus and Myriad (Tulips) by Anna Ridler presents a precursor to the current speculative bubbles in the crypto market with the changing tulip patterns caused by the Bitcoin exchange rate.

Other works open up discourse spaces on the increasing manifestations of aggressive exclusion (Faster Than Light by Kentaro Kumanomido & Teaque Owen; of the need for separate protected spaces (Nobodies Welcome | All Bodies Welcome by Aay Liparoto); defense weapons against the dissolution of our online private sphere (FANGo by Martin Nadal); of new rightist tendencies and their psychological pressure on diverse communities (Gently Running Downwards by Liliana Zeic) and internet propaganda strategies (Bottled Songs 3 & 4 by Chloé Galibert-Laîné & Kevin B. Lee, Propaganda Office by OPA (Obsessive Possessive Aggression) / Forms of Ownership ). They examine the tax shelters of an out-of-control capitalism (The Great Offshore 3 by and the appropriation of digital platforms for artistic operations, including the Amazon algorithm as choreography (Amazon Dance by Nico Angiuli ) or the first-person shooter game Red Dead Redemption 2 as a critique of capitalism (Hardly Working by Total Refusal). They cast an ironic look at start-up culture and the cryptocurrency hype (Prospect Revenge by Robertas Narkus) and reveal activism strategies through an old fashioned analogous card game (CATivism by Wouter Moraal). They also reflect on and expand our understanding of welfare (Care Project Administration by Forms of Ownership).
